Do you struggle to make your presentations stand out? Are they all sounding the same and boring as ditchwater? Do you find yourself losing your audience after the first few slides? If so, it’s time to inject some life into them!

Passe-partout is a type of frame that is used in printmaking to create a shadow effect by placing objects on transparent or translucent vellum underneath an image. This article will introduce you to the passe-partout and explain why it can help bring your presentations to life.

What is Passe-Partout?

Passe-partout is a frame that creates the illusion that objects are floating in front of an image. It is often used in printmaking to create contrast, add depth, and make images look more three-dimensional.

Why Use Passe-Partout in Presentations?

The use of passe-partout in presentations can be a simple way to make your slides pop. As the name suggests, the frame creates the illusion that objects are floating in front of the image. This effect gives your presentation an interesting and unique look.

The great thing about passe-partout is it’s very easy to make. All you need is a piece of cardboard or mat board with a hole cut out for each slide, paper clips, and some vellum or thin tracing paper. Start by placing the first slide at the bottom left of your board, placing a paper clip over it to keep it from moving.

Place vellum over the top, lining up one edge with the left side of your board, and use paper clips to hold it in place on top. Cut a hole for each new slide which should be placed on top of these two layers.

Continue this process until you have all your slides lined up against one another on top of each other with enough space between them so they aren’t too crowded. When done correctly, this will create a shadow effect that helps give your presentation life and makes it stand out more than if there was no frame around them!

How to Choose the Right Colors for your Passe-Partout?

When it comes to choosing the color of your passe-partout, it depends on what you want to happen. Do you want to make certain parts of your presentation stand out? Are there areas where you want to bring more attention? If so, use a brighter color for those portions.

Do you want the audience to focus on specific areas of your presentation? If so, use a darker shade for those sections. You can also choose different colors for different types of images or text.

For example, if you have an image that has a lot of blue in it and a lot of yellow, it’s often best to choose an orange passe-partout to make both colors stand out. You could also match your passe-partout with the general theme of your presentation if there is one.

Get Yours At Framia!

A passe-partout is a type of frame that creates the illusion that objects are floating in front of the picture. The illusion can be created by placing objects on transparent or translucent vellum under an image. To make your photos more beautiful, check out to buy yours now!